A deep dive into the future
of AgriBusiness South Africa


Livestock industries are impacted by high input costs with pressures building on margins, despite prices for red meat and chicken increasing substantially over the past year. The scope of passing cost pressures onto consumers, however, is limited due to a rapid increase in the cost of living. Continue reading for trends in the respective subsectors.

Beef slaughter numbers down 2.5% y-o-y in Aug

Disease risk and high feed costs constrain slaughter numbers and keep prices high.

Lamb prices are down by more than 10% from the highs in July 2022

Margins, however, remain under pressure due to high grain costs.

Pork prices breached R30 per kg at the end of 2022 Q3

Margins, however, remain under pressure due to high grain costs.

A weaker exchange rate fuels local chicken prices

IQF prices have increased by around 11% year on year.

Figure 1: Year-on-year livestock price movements in 2021 and 2022

Source: Absa AgriBusiness, Aug 2022

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